wood sculptures

Wood sculptures available for sale in this category.  You can also order almost any custom made art furniture-sculpture you may have conceived at one time or another. 

I enjoy carving wood with power tools.  I used a 7" grinder to carve "Neptune's Chest"  "Tusk" and the cross in "God Is You" and a skill saw to carve it's stand. There's also some steel, manzanita wood and fur in "God Is You".  All 3 of those sculptures contain an acrylic sculpting paste with added tints on top of the wood to create a texture giving it an old dug up artifact look.  "Tusk" also has a canvas stretched over that pyramid shape, and an oil painting on it.                                                                  "Happy" consists of tree branches, an 8 penny nail for the penis armature, foil, plaster bandages, water putty, and tree seal.